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Writer's pictureDebra Trappen

Reclaiming the Divine Feminine: Creating Sacred Space on Friday the 13th

Updated: Dec 13, 2024

Happy Friday the 13th!

This day has long been associated with superstition, fear, and mystery. For many, it evokes images of black cats, broken mirrors, and ominous warnings. But... what if we could reclaim this day as one of empowerment, beauty, and divine feminine energy?

Before oppressive patriarchal influences turned Friday the 13th into a day of fear, it was a sacred day honoring the Divine Feminine and the natural cycles of creation, death, and rebirth.

I encourage you to reclaim the true essence of Friday the 13th and celebrate the goddess energy that flows through this day. The number 13 holds deep feminine significance, representing the 13 lunar cycles in a year, and people who bleed experience 13 menstrual cycles!

Female Figures Traditionally Honored This Day

1: Freya or Frigg (Norse):

Freya, the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, and death, is deeply connected to Friday, as the name "Friday" itself derives from her. Freya was honored for her powerful, nurturing, and independent attributes, making her an emblem of feminine strength.

2. Venus (Roman)

Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality, is also linked to Friday because the day is named after her counterpart in Roman culture. Her association with love and creation reinforces the sacred feminine aspect of this day.

3. The Triple Goddess (Wicca and Paganism): The Triple Goddess represents the maiden, mother, and crone/sage... stages of womanhood and the moon's cycles. Friday the 13th, being closely tied to lunar phases, symbolizes the connection between the divine feminine and the natural cycles of life and death.

4. Mary Magdalene (Christian): Many see Mary Magdalene as a symbol of sacred femininity, especially in the context of reclaiming female power from patriarchal narratives. She’s often honored on Friday the 13th by those who seek to revive ancient respect for women’s roles in spirituality.

5. Hecate (Greek): As a goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, and the moon, Hecate is often invoked on days associated with feminine mysteries. Friday the 13th, being linked to lunar cycles, resonates with Hecate’s energy, especially for rituals involving intuition, transformation, and spiritual empowerment.

6. Isis (Egyptian) Isis, the goddess of magic, healing, motherhood, and protection, represents the archetype of the divine feminine. Her worship often involves lunar cycles and sacred rituals, making her energy compatible with the themes of Friday the 13th.

7. Brigid (Celtic)

Brigid embodies the divine feminine, which Friday the 13th celebrates. As a goddess of creativity, nurturing, and transformation, her energy aligns with the day's themes of honoring women, intuition, and empowerment.

Today is a perfect day to ditch the distortion from patriarchal systems that sought to diminish the power and reverence given to these women and their divine influence, realign with your inner goddess, harness your creativity, and embrace the power of divine feminine wisdom.

Ritual to Reclaim Your Divine Feminine Power

  1. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet corner to connect deeply with yourself. Light candles, burn incense or use essential oils like rose, jasmine, or sandalwood to invoke a sense of divine beauty. Set out any items that feel sacred to you, such as flowers, crystals, oracle cards, or personal totems.

  2. Grounding Meditation: Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine roots growing from your body deep into the Earth. Feel the connection between your body and the Earth, allowing Mother Nature's energy to flow through you. Let go of anything that feels heavy or burdensome. Check out this Feminine Energy Healing meditation or this one to Connect with Your Feminine Energy.

  3. Connect with Your Divine Feminine Energy: Speak aloud or silently, calling on your inner goddess or powerful female archetype you feel connected to; for me, this includes Brigid, Freya, and Mary Magdalene. Allow yourself to feel the presence of feminine wisdom and strength in your heart. Don't know much about the women I mentioned above? Maybe this is the weekend to choose one and research her.

  4. Release and Renew: Write down anything you’re ready to release. This could be people, fears, limiting beliefs, or old patterns that no longer serve you. In a safe space, burn the paper as a symbol of letting go, and as you do, affirm, "I release what no longer serves me. I make space for new growth."

  5. Affirm Your Divine Feminine Power: With your favorite crystals in hand, repeat the powerful mantras below to reclaim your inner strength and creativity. Let the energy of this sacred day fill your being. This is also an ideal moment to pull your cards and listen for the whisper of the Divine.

Crystals to Explore

  • Moonstone: This stone is deeply connected to feminine energy, intuition, and the moon's cycles. It helps you tap into your inner wisdom and flow with the natural rhythms of life.

  • Rose Quartz: Known as the stone of unconditional love, rose quartz opens your heart to self-love, compassion, and divine feminine energy. It is a perfect companion for healing and nurturing your soul.

  • Black Obsidian: A powerful grounding stone, black obsidian helps you clear away negativity and face your shadow self with courage. It’s an ideal crystal for transformation and emotional healing.

Magical Mantras

“I embody divine feminine energy, flowing with love, creativity, and grace.”

"I embrace the sacred power of the Divine Feminine within me. I trust in my intuition, wisdom, and the magic I create."

"With every breath, I honor the cycles of life and the strength of my feminine essence. I am powerful, I am connected, I am whole."

"I reclaim my inner wildness and divine grace, allowing my authentic self to rise and shine."

Reflective Journal Prompts

13 to choose from... which ones call out to you?

  1. What does the divine feminine mean to me? How does it show up in my life?

  2. How do I honor cycles (lunar, seasonal, or personal) in my life?

  3. What qualities of the goddesses (e.g., Freya, Hecate, Isis) resonate with me today?

  4. When have I felt most connected to my intuition? How can I deepen that connection?

  5. What does stepping into my personal power look and feel like?

  6. How can I release fear or superstition and lean into trust and alignment?

  7. What aspects of my femininity or nurturing energy do I wish to celebrate?

  8. How can I create space for rest, renewal, and creativity in my life?

  9. What feminine archetype do I feel drawn to embody right now, and why?

  10. What do I need to release in order to transform and grow?

  11. What is one intention I want to set under today’s sacred energy?

  12. How can I call in more abundance, love, and joy into my life today?

  13. What ritual, practice, or habit can I start today to honor the divine feminine regularly?

Beloved, by embracing the sacred energy of Friday the 13th, you are stepping into a powerful tradition that honors the cycles of life and the divine feminine energy within you. As you perform your ritual, remember that this day is about reclaiming your creativity, wisdom, and inner strength. Let the mantras, crystals, and sacred moments guide you as you deepen your connection to yourself and the divine feminine energy that flows through all of us.

May you walk in beauty and strength on this sacred day.

Wrapping you in love + light,

Torie Tiffany created both of these divine images.

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