Today's Full Snow Moon in Leo is bringing ALL the fiery, passionate love energy! You can learn more about additional Full Snow Moon names here.
Tonight and tomorrow, take some time to sit and reflect on the abundance and goodness in your life.
Journal Prompt:
What abundance did I receive or experience from your intentions and actions?
If you journaled on the New Moon, take a peek at those notes now and highlight what came to fruition and what may need attention or deletion from your vision board.
This entire week, practice gratitude.
Review your wins and celebrate them with friends - or in whatever way fills your cup and inspires your Soul to dance! Focus on feeling the benefits and rewards of work well done. Release any shame for the projects that didn’t get done… there is always tomorrow.
Journal Prompt:
What can I do to celebrate?
Another fun way to honor this Full Moon is to “Listen to Your Heart” and her longings! (Are you singing Roxette now, too?) Here are some prompts to get you started!
When I quiet my mind, I can hear my heart say….
When I listen to my body, she is asking for…
Something I truly desire is…
One actionable step I can take towards this is…
If you are still in hibernation and haven’t been working on projects - celebrate yourself!
Grab your journal and write down all of your positive attributes, then add a few more of your magical qualities.
Don’t hold back. Have fun honoring yourself!
Since this moon is in Leo, I highly recommend taking a luxuriously long bubble bath by candlelight. If you are holding on to any negative feelings about what you didn’t accomplish during this last cycle - write them down and burn them! (Safely, please.)
Be sure to bring your thoughts back to abundance, goodness, and gratitude before you close your eyes to sleep.
Happy Full Moon, Beloved.

ps. If you charge bottles of water, baubles, and other things that delight you - now is the night to set those out.
Also, don't forget to way the biggest bill you've got in your wallet under the moonlight and claim more abundance!
Full Moon Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash